13 Reasons Why You Need To Watch "13 Reasons Why"
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"Hey, it's Hannah, Hannah Baker. That's right....I'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended, and if you're listening to these tapes, you're one of the reasons why."
How would you feel if it were you who heard these words on tape coming from a dead friend?
I know teenagers are more prone to make that wrong choice of committing suicide at the most beautiful phase of their life. Why? If someone chose death overall that they could've done to save themselves, why isn't anyone curious for a reason?
Well, '13 Reasons Why' has perfectly captured the agonizing and awful incidents that a suicidal person goes through before that final leap. Here's why the series is a must watch:
Reason #1
You've been through this Phase
We've all passed through that stage of emotional breakdown, sadness, anxiety, or maybe even depression, but have you told yourself that it's okay to not be okay. It's okay to feel lost, to feel locked away. Life has put you through circumstances that you've overcome, sometimes they teach you, and sometimes they leave a scar. But hey! You've made it this far.Hannah, however, couldn't make it. It's not just her, it's the plight of every other person who struggled in vain. It's the fight that none has seen or ever would.
Reason #2
You've only heard of depression but have got no idea of how it feels like.
If you ask me what depression is, I'd say...I've always loved ice creams, but I just can't relish it anymore. That's what depression does to you. It doesn't take away what gives you happiness, it makes you feel numb towards it. How tough can it get? Worse.
We've always known how we feel about something or someone. Feeling conscious of how you feel towards something, someone or a situation is a basic instinct. How would it be if your emotions are numb? You want to laugh but it's hard, you want to cry, but you're drained. Everything that seemed easy isn't easy anymore. Sometimes you just don't know what you're feeling. The worst part of being depressed is not understanding why you think that way. As humans, we need reasons, we need a cause for every problem to find a solution but how about a situation wherein you don't know the cause, but the problem taunts you over and over again.
Reason #3
Depression must be treated like every other illness.
Have you ever smiled at someone and asked them how they're feeling today? Have you tried to talk to a friend who looked disturbed? Most of us are so busy with our lives; we forget to see what's around us. Maybe someone is struggling, they might not show it, but that doesn't mean they're happy. Yes, we aren't 'mind readers', neither are we mentalists but it's natural to feel a negative vibe from a close friend who pretends to be fine but isn't. Haven't we all been there?How can a statement like "hey snap out of it, you're going to be fine!" or "dude, be happy with what you have, you've got a roof above your head, food and a place to sleep, why are you depressed?" or "you're just over thinking, there's nothing wrong with you" be of any help to someone who's mentally ill? Would you dare to talk this way to someone paralysed or maybe a blind person to open their eyes and see the world!? No. You won't. Why? Because you know they can't.
FYI. Depression isn't just a mind game. It's something physical as well. Your mental health is just like your physical health.
Reason #4
If you're a parent or a parent-to-be
No matter how good, bad or worse a child might be, the parent is always responsible. The common flaw every parent tend to make is believing that they know their kids. Right? Wrong. You don't really know them until you're their secret keeper. Do they hide behind closed doors when you've got a guest? It means they are insecure. Do they nod their head for everything you ask them to do? You're not raising them right. If your child is demanding, he can make decisions, if he isn't, you're raising a puppet. Most children try to reach the expectations of their parents and when they fail? I leave that answer to you. Parenting is more than just buying them stuff and providing them with things they need, it's more about care, protection and most importantly love. Are you the one that comes to their mind when they need help? Then you've done a great job.Reason #5
It teaches values like empathy and kindness.
It's true that values cannot be taught. It's imbibed.In a world that lacks these emotions, it's important to revive them into our daily lives. How many times have you put yourself in another's shoes? (not in the literal sense). 13 reasons why makes us realise how important it is to act/react under the circumstances. We may not intentionally say or do something to hurt someone else's feelings, it might be purely unintentional, but the end result of such actions could turn your world upside down, mostly the other person.
Reason #6
Helps us understand the value of healthy and positive relationships
Do you know that good vibe you feel while you are in a positive relationship? Never let that go. If you've never experienced it with an individual or a group then probably you're with the wrong bunch. Sometimes we might be too quick to feel that negative vibe, sometimes we only realise when something turns haywire. If you're still in doubt, just remember:A healthy relationship brings out the best in you, it makes you happy, it lets you feel positive about yourself, you never feel lonely, you know there's help around if you need it, you can rely and trust, there's always a good feeling when you are with that person or a group.
Reason #7
Small things really have a significant impact, no matter how small.
Every details matter and you need to be very careful. If a bud of a cigar could start a forest fire, imagine what a hurtful word or an action could lead to? You own your words and your actions, nobody else does, and if that inflicts another to hurt themselves, you are the accused. Own that instead.Reason #8
Self Awareness is important. How you feel must be taken care of.
It's okay to have those blues and feel lows once in a while, but does this prolong? Be aware of how you feel. If you're someone with a low self-esteem, don't be crushed down by people around you. Remember, nobody can hurt your feelings unless you let them to. Always be conscious of your inner self. Ask for help. There's always help around you, you just don't look in the right place.Reason #9
Bullying has to stop, and so does rape or sexual assault.
This is a serious issue all around the world. There's in no way you could put an end to this. No matter how hard you try, people always fall prey to sexual assault and mostly bullying. We've all been there at some point, probably bullied or seen someone being bullied. What have we done to stop it? It's true that the victim is helpless to do anything but what about the bystanders? If you've ever been a mute spectator to bullying, then shame on you. The change has to begin now, from you. It's important to raise awareness among teenagers who feel bullying is just a part of life, it's silly. No, it isn't. When things are taken lightly, they escalate into something severe before it's too late. You wouldn't be able to stop a rapist or a bully, but you can definitely not raise one or encourage one. Do your part.Reason #10
The series angers you? Why? Ask yourself.
We always think that somebody would help Hannah, but nobody does. That's what frustrates us. Since we have the God's eye, we watch Hannah struggle and die a slow death while none of her friends realises what she's going through. But the question is - if you knew it and were there at that moment, would you help save her life? Many events are literally out of your control or theirs; hence it gets on to your nerve when nothing happens except misfortune. It triggers you so much that you wouldn't want to watch it anymore. It isn't anything negative, the show only tries to show you how much depression or suicide goes unnoticed.Reason #11
Misunderstandings need to be sorted.
Beware of the half-truth; you may have gotten hold of the wrong half.When in doubt always ask. It's always important to talk it out rather than a silent treatment. Imagine a world where people openly cleared doubts, talked about things that really mattered, followed a "cut the crap, get to the point" lifestyle, things would've been different. If there's anything that could kill a relationship, it's misunderstanding second to trust. Well, should I even talk about trust here?
Reason #12
You live every day. You die only once.
YOLO is a ubiquitous acronym that's mostly used by the new generation. How far do you think that's reliable?If you'd ask me, I feel "You Live Only Once" must be rephrased by "You Die Only Once, and you live every day". Well, some people die a slow death, they die every day until the end. Hannah was one among them, she struggled to survive to want to kill herself but searching for reasons to stay alive. Nothing around her changed her mind. She tried to quit, she wanted to give up all at once instead of dying a slow death.
To Live is your choice and when life is not a choice, you eventually choose death.
If you ever struggle to find something to live for, always look at your strengths, not your weaknesses. They only make you feel worse.
Reason #13
Watch it if you have the strength to
It's intriguing as well as painful to watch such a series. I'm not recommending this series to anybody nor am I glorifying it. I'm just letting out a piece of my mind of how the series makes you feel and why it's okay to feel that way. In a world that glorifies sex, violence and crime through media, a bit of TRUTH would do no harm.Because the TRUTH is stranger than fiction.
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