Dear Vincent

Dear Vincent,

A year ago, I flew to Delhi on a whim just to experience this. People called me crazy, but don’t you think love has a way of making us all a little bit wild?

When I first saw your masterpieces, I was overcome with a sense of admiration for the man behind the canvas. It’s like your art has woven its way into the fabric of my soul, each stroke, color, reflecting the raw beauty and the storm of emotions that resides within you.

Although it breaks my heart to think of the depths of your suffering and the darkness that must’ve engulfed you, I believe it is from this place of pain that your art truly shines.

The swirling skies and vibrant landscapes speak volumes about the complexity of the mind, the fragility of life, and the beauty that can be found even in the darkest of moments.

If only you could see how much your art has impacted the world and touched countless lives. If only you could know how revered you are, how your name is spoken with awe by generations of admirers.

But alas, you left this world too soon, before your full legacy could be realized. And so, I write this letter to you, not to mourn for what could have been, but to honour the enduring mark you’ve left behind.

Thank you, Vincent, for sharing your heart with us through your art. Though you may no longer walk among us, your spirit lives on in every stroke of paint, in every burst of color. And for that, we are eternally grateful.


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