For when you need my words...

I was always a quiet kid. I remember being around people yet not talking, more often answering their questions with a yes or no. I was always comfortable with my silence, but I realized that most people weren't. So while growing up, I taught myself to go out there, socialize, make conversations, and do small talk. But the more words I spoke, the less I felt like me, it was exhausting, and eventually, I gave up. So now, I've learned to embrace the quiet within me, the silence I've always befriended. Even when I'm asked to engage in a conversation, I listen more than I talk. It's very innate and will be something that constantly defines my personality. If you're in my close circle, you would already know this. If not, you could find me boring and dull to be with or even think that I need some time to loosen up. Well, yes, I do; however, I want you to know that my quiet is my gift to myself; it's my way of bringing balance into my life, a way I've found to endure my pain alone because I like my company. But I promise when you truly need my words, they will always be here for you. And, of course, my silence too. ♥️ 

(World Mental Health Day)


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