100 Reasons To Stay Alive

As I was aimlessly scrolling through YouTube, a thumbnail caught my eye: "Calm Your Heart." Intrigued, I clicked on the video, which featured an image of a quaint cottage nestled in a misty forest. The ambient music—a soothing blend of guitar, piano, synthesizers, and native flutes—mingled with the gentle patter of rain, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.

Scrolling through the comments, one message stood out: "100 Reasons to Stay Alive." This heartfelt list had a spectrum of human experiences, from childhood joys to the pangs of first heartbreak, and the complexities of adult life. It celebrated simple pleasures like watching the sunset, the thrill of road trips, and the innocence of puppy kisses.

Reading these words, I felt an unexpected surge of emotion. These were the reminders I yearned for, the affirmations I didn’t know I needed. Living with persistent anxiety, the shadow of despair often looms large, and the thought of ending it all can become daunting. Yet here, in this unexpected corner of the internet, I found a lifeline. These were not just reasons to stay alive but to rediscover the beauty in life’s fleeting moments.


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