Self - Doubt, Hatred & Harm

I once had a trio of old companions: self-doubt, self-hatred, and self-harm. We parted ways long ago, but last night, they decided to revisit. I tried to turn them away, but they forced their way in, each grabbing a beer and resuming their torment. Self-doubt whispered reminders of my timid 16-year-old self. Hatred conjured the ghost of my childhood bully, and harm revealed my scars like badges of shame. They laughed, reveling in my misery, while I felt myself unraveling.

Once they left, their laughter fading into silence as I stood firm, it hit me. They weren't truly gone but were lingering at the edges of my consciousness, waiting for moments of weakness to reappear. These specters weren't mere visitors; they were part of me.

So each time they return, I grow more resilient than before. Because if I had the power to summon them, only I have the power to banish them. Indeed, it is their presence that reminds me I am stronger than my darkest fears.


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